Multidimensional Arrays (associative) + load randomly.

The assignment was to randomly display a set of data on my page (& the preferable option was to use server side scripting).

Here’s the data that needed to be displayed:

[Thumbnail1] [entry name1] [user name1]
[Thumbnail2] [entry name2] [user name3]
[Thumbnail3] [entry name3] [user name3]

The solution mentioned below users multi-dimensional arrays to achieve this.
You can refer to for more details.

Here’s the solution (originally written by one of my colleagues):


$allEntries = array(

0 => array(
“link” => “;,
“thumbnail” => “;,
“entryname” => “Google”,
“firstname” => “Google User”
1 => array(
“link” => “;,
“thumbnail” => “;,
“entryname” => “Yahoo”,
“firstname” => “Yahoo User”
2=> array(
“link” => “;,
“thumbnail” => “;,
“entryname” => “Votigo”,
“firstname” => “Votigo User”
3 => array(
“link” => “;,
“thumbnail” => “;,
“entryname” => “Php”,
“firstname” => “Php User”


<?php foreach ($allEntries as $myEntry): ?>

<a href=”<?php echo $myEntry[“link”]; ?>”><img src=”<?php echo $myEntry[“thumbnail”]; ?>” width=”108″ height=”82″ alt=”<?php echo $myEntry[“firstname”]; ?>” /></a>
<strong><?php echo $myEntry[“firstname”]; ?></strong>
<i><?php echo $myEntry[“entryname”]; ?></i>

<?php endforeach; ?>

CLICK HERE to see the result.
(refresh this page to see the results load in a random order)

Make your forms look pretty with css

this is going to be my first post. and you’ll notice as i go along, my writing style is extremely informal. a lot of hyphens, no capitalization, lots of sentences ending with periods – well, that’s just me….

i’m going to start my first post with some tips on making input boxes and dropdowns look pretty.
at my current workplace, i was asked to work on making all our forms look nice and pretty. web 2.0’ish form elements – big, rounded…

so i started looking to see if i could find nice rounded input boxes and dropdowns that are created using css. i haven’t found a solution for dropdowns yet, but here are a couple that can be used for input boxes.

solution 1. this one does not work in IE, but works across all other browsers.

apply this css to your input box:

input {
border-width: 2px;
border-style: solid;
-moz-border-radius: 6px;
-khtml-border-radius: 6px;
-webkit-border-radius: 6px;
border-radius: 6px;
font-size: 1.7em;
outline: none;
font-family:Trebuchet MS, Georgia, arial;

your input box will end up looking like this –

solution 2: this is the other way you can apply the same effect, and this one will work across all browsers. this uses a background image instead.

input {
padding:2px 0px 0px 10px;
font-family:Trebuchet MS, Georgia, arial;

and here’s the bg image.

input css background

input css background

and finally, here’s a way to make your select boxes look pretty and web 2.0’ish using css.

select {
border: 2px solid #cccccc;
font-family:Trebuchet MS, Georgia, arial;

your select box will look like this –
